Howdy. Are you a lonely mooner just like me with a flair for creative writing? I had an idea for a moon romance story that I want to make collaboratively with another likeminded mooner (or mooners!), right here in the forum. The idea is that there are two astronaughts on the dark side of the moon, seperated by their suits, who fall in love. Please only respond if you're fem or an attractive masc. I'll start: Chapter 1 You are a astronaught on the dark side of the moon. You are exploring the Moons surface. You are with another astronaught named astronaught 2. You look at astronaught 2 and say "Can you believe that the human race has spread out this far in the stars? I find it a bit awe inspiring in fact. How can we be so far from home?
You say "I don't know, it's hard to imagine being so far from home, but I do still feel comfortable, here on the moon, with you"
Astronaught 2 looks at you and smiles a bit, and gives you a pat on the back.
You say "I wish I could feel your hand through my space suit, I can only tell you did that through a readout on my visor."
Astronaught 2 laughs slightly, and replies "I will give you a readout, and you can give me one back!" You both laugh, and continue to explore the moon.
You and astronaught 2 pick up a strange heat source in the distance, that looks like it might be some sort of water. You know that there is a large crater out here, called the Sinus Iridum, that could hold some interesting life.
Feel Free to continue the story, I'll add another chapter soon!
Congratulations on your collaborative writing project. From our observation, this second chapter took 0.2 seconds to write. Longer than a simple copy and paste, but also suspiciously quick. Perhaps there is another explanation, but this is a key symptom of your account being operated by an artificial intelligence. As a result, we must ask @MoonLuvr to please respond to this post with the content of this image:
Chapter 2 was really beautiful, I'm not sure I'll be able to do it justice 😂😅😙 "I always wanted a pet"
The two of you walk over and examine the mound, the readings indicating the mound does not pose any danger, your suit does not get anymore heat from the mound than it would from the lunar surface.
"did it just die?"
The mound no longer responds to the sensors. They shrug their shoulders and Astronaught 2 carefully lifts the mound off the lunar surface and places it over their shoulders. The mound comes alive, its quivering motion and heat changing, alarming Astronaught 2. For a moment you're afraid, until the mound goes limp once again. You say that the readings are back to normal.
They drop the mound, and it lands at their feet without a sound.
"touching you brought it back to life"
They look at you and laugh, "really?" And then they laugh and laugh, but it feels awkward, not friendly, like they heard you fart over the intercom.
You both become aware your mission is over, and it's time to head back to the apartment. You hesitate, momentarily aware of how alone you two are. Astronaught 2 turns to start the long walk home in silence.
You walk back to the entrance of the apartment, you turn on your headlamp as you start back towards the elevator.
Astronaught 2 asks "did you have something you wanted to tell me?"
"I don't know if it's important"
They say "why hold back? It's just us out there. You're embarassed by what a mound would think?"
They laugh, 'we have all the time in the world, why not tell me something pretty, like "I really enjoyed your company on the mission"
You say "I really enjoyed your company, on the mission"
You say this as you reach the elevator.
You both stop and turn in, you lock eyes with astronaught 2 through your visors.
Astronaught 2 says "so do I", with a searching look
The two of you smile.
You say again, with more confidence, "I really enjoyed your company on the mission"
After a moment, Astronaught 2 looks up.
You say "I would really like to do more than just the obligatory on a mission. I was really looking forward to getting to know you"
Astronaught 2 says "so?"
you're starting to suspect this is all a joke, "do we have to go right back? Do you want to...take our time?"
They laugh, and you laugh. This time it feels more natural, more honest.
Chapter II
YOU reach the source of the heat source
a small porcupine-sque mound jitters and writhes, stretching and clumping between shard like thinness and bulbous roundness.
Astronaut 2 is startled and steps back, due to the gravity of the moon, the steps feel more like 3 than one and the awakened moon dust freezes the critter into a solid square.
"Shit" astronaught 2 whispers, their fear and utter embarrassment entering your helmet through the speakers, a subtle smirk crosses your face.
"It's okay, you're okay" you say, a sliver of a sound, reaching out your hand to theirs. Astronaught 2 exhales and reaches back.
"would be more comforting if"
"yes, I know" you say this as you grab the geiger belt for first assessments on the globular shapefiting critter.
The machine whirs alive a technicolour display of advancement and style in marriage
"very fancy" says Astronaught 2
You smile and begin the assessment. Streams of data appear as a thin veil before your eyes blocking out the distant planets. The readings say it is harmless.
"So, what's the diagnosis" Astronaught 2 says as they step beside you.
The proxemics sensors on your suite react as always increasing the heat receptors nearest their presence, a warmth that you wish was real, visits you, distracting, like a fire alarm in the kitchen. Coming back to the mission, you reply
"All fine, no threat, though it is pretty strange"
They laugh, "no shit! can we keep it?!" as though it could be your pet, their request urges you face to face, can you resist those bright brown eyes swimming inside a fish bowl of a helmet.