Good evening, I am Mark Hamm, Author, author of I am Mark Hamm, Author. I'm sure you're all very aware of my flourishing career and today I'd like to present you all with an incredible business opportunity!
I am currently in the process of writing my newest book, an Autobiography of Mark Hamm, Author. However as I, Mark Hamm, Author, like to view myself as one with the universe, the words from my fingertips alone can only cover the most brief of my escapades and achievements. Therefore I reach out to the Comoonity to assist with the writing and publishing of my Autobiography! I must first set a few ground rules:
The Autobiography must remain in chronological order.
Each chapter of the Autobiography must recall a famous (or infamous) Mark Hamm, Author accolade or experience.
I, Mark Hamm, Author, look forward to looking back over my fantastic life through your contributions!
you are mark hamill, author, who wants to go to the moon. You are currently but a baby boy, still growing and learning about the world. You have recently learned the basic facts about horses and their care. You live with your Mom and two younger sisters in a small house in the middle of a forest.
This is just a trailer for my romantic novel
Hello it is Thy, Johnn Hamm, the actor, brother of, Mark Hamm, Author.
Hello brother Mark Hamm, Author I hope you have been keeping well on the moon.
I am still waiting for my next role, which I hope I can do some method acting on the moon and get to see you with your current workings and ever growing beard.
My memory is when we were young and we were playing in the back garden. We were having fun and playing tag which I was always better at, and always will be. Ha.
I remember running round the tree which you could never get round to beating me on. Which is when you decided, when you got close enough to push me into the fence to which I broke my arm. I cried as you pointed and laughed saying I am Mark Hamm and your nothing but a mere piglet.
From that day I strived to be better than you. I am better than you and when my time comes for that role, I will method the shit out of it to the point Mark Hamm, author will be no more than a mere piglet.
So long brother.
I remeber you called me once on the phone, it seemed to be a pocket dial but i heard you making love to my lovely wife of 2349 years (god rest her soul) , I never told you because it was a pocket dial and thats rather awkward. So now u know. Now u know.
Idk bro do you even live on the moon?! Sounds like alot of diddly to me big guy